The class I teach is a physical hatha class based on the universal principles of alignment in Anusara Yoga, with influences from Vinyasa Yoga.
The class puts emphasis on grounding to open the body and find more space in the poses with correct alignment. The focus is directed to tuning in to what is here and now, and from this place reaching for more and developing our inner potential, never losing connection with ourselves and the space around us in the present moment.
The class starts slow to center ourselves, find our calm and find our ground so that we can be precise in posture and bodily mechanics, as well as mentally aware of our practice. We then gradually build to a slightly higher energy flow to challenge the connection to ourselves and practice to maintain it in challenging poses or during faster paced flows. The class ends with a short cool down and stretching before going into Savasana.
Current outdoor and in studio classes can be found through the Green Yoga website: